Thursday, July 9, 2009


So finally some new pictures! I have been told I needed to update! Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July I know we did! Just busy like always! So this is my new favorite pic of Brit for today anyways! She is getting so big and loves to be outside. Se loves to go for rides on the horses and hang out on the lawn. She hates to be held and LOVES Rocks! She has a few new cuts on her knees she is strutting around!

I am hoping this is not a career choice for her as of now but hey whatever works I guess!
I think she was laughing at Kelcee
She love Drake! He just licks her to death and all she does is laugh!

Being a chesse ball as always!


Tiff's Tool Shed said...

Hey Linds! Have to say little miss Brit looks alot like you in those pictures..she is darling

canchaser_412 said...

WOW Miss Brit is growin up way to fast!