Just a few pics I took of Brit this morning when she woke up! Such a cheesy kid!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Another Week
WOW another week has went by! Where does the time go?! Well Britlyn was lucky she got to spend alittle time with both sets of grandparents this weekend.
Our summer has just flown by.. it is amazing how fast times flies! I can not believe it.. The Summit County fair is already next weekend! For all you Barrel Racer we would love to have you guys come to the Barrel race in Coalville on Monday night Aug 3rd!! Going to be a fun race with lots of great awards!! That was my job this year! and it was a blast!
Okay so new pics of Brit today! Enjoy!
Posted by ~Diston's~ at 4:25 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Britlyn & Gus
Well we got a goat last night! So here is Britlyn and Gus! She is walking him around showing him his new home!! He is our new weed eater! Brit thinks he is great!! But he is awesome with her! Just lets her walking him everywhere.. Poor Gus tries to stop and eat and she just pulls him if he stops!
Posted by ~Diston's~ at 12:18 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Gorgeous George!!!
Picture overload of Gorgeous GEORGE!!!! Concert was so amazing.... Like always! We got home at 2am! Terry had to go to work at 5! But it was worth it! Traffic was a nightmare :) But we made it and it was so much fun!! So glad I wore shorts! Hotter then HELL!! Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Diston for coming up and watching Brit! Home you guys had fun and got to sleep into day!!
Posted by ~Diston's~ at 7:38 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Ok so for the last week I have had nothing on my mind but.... George Strait concert tonight!!!! So sorry don't have any new pictures really of Brit! This is the only one really for her yesterday walking around in my shoes! She sees shoes and she puts them on now! Hope everyone has a great day and weekend I will try and post some pictures tomorrow and let you know how George was!! Going to not be intoxicated this time I see him! So I remember more!
Posted by ~Diston's~ at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Fun and Relaxing!
We had a great weekend it was fun and relaxing! Yesterday we went to Ogden and did alittle shopping and today we went to the Cabin and hung out with the family! It was so much fun! Brit ran around the cabin like a wild child but man did she wear herself out! She slept all they way tell we got home and we made to stops in Evanston shopping!
So my parents bought Brit this hat when we were down there last and I have never got any pictures with her wearing it for them! She does not like to hold still and keep the hat on while trying to take some pics!

Posted by ~Diston's~ at 6:34 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
More Pics!
Posted by ~Diston's~ at 2:40 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
So finally some new pictures! I have been told I needed to update! Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July I know we did! Just busy like always! So this is my new favorite pic of Brit for today anyways! She is getting so big and loves to be outside. Se loves to go for rides on the horses and hang out on the lawn. She hates to be held and LOVES Rocks! She has a few new cuts on her knees she is strutting around!
Posted by ~Diston's~ at 7:11 AM 2 comments